Monday, November 12, 2012

How to Position a Brand

Have you ever thought how crucial “positioning” is, in human mind?
Well I have; and to be exact, for the last 11 years. As I have been in the communication industry for all these years; mostly in advertising – which is nothing but positioning brands, giving them names, identities, personalities, attributes, beliefs, values, goals, a certain language,  a certain attitude and fictitious friends to communicate with; therefore creating an imaginary placement in human’s minds about themselves… About what they represent, what they mean and most importantly how they make us feel in a certain way…
That’s what they do. Brands make us feel in a certain way. They interfere with our thinking patterns, with how we operate, attach meanings and create emotions for ourselves… Long story short, with how we perceive the world when experienced from our senses.
That’s when NLP comes into play. NLP is well known for its tools and techniques that are used for creating results. So, why not utilize them for better positioning a brand, say, your own brand, in order to create the optimum results in your life? 

Come and learn HOW TO POSITION YOUR PERSONAL BRAND in our upcoming Neuro Linguistic Programming Certificate Training:

NLP Practitioner & Leader for Excellence Certificate Training in Los Angeles/CA

Date: 2-3 & 9-10 & 16-17 & 23-24 February 2013 (4 weekends)
Hours: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

395 Santa Monica Place 
Community Room, Level 3, Santa Monica Place Shopping Center 
Located between 2nd and 4th Streets, and between Colorado Ave. and Broadway St. 
Santa Monica, California 90401

Certificates Awarded: 
  1. Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming by the Society of NLP (Richard Bandler)
  2. Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming by Be-live in U International NLP Training
  3. Leader for Excellence by Be-live in U International NLP Training


Neuro - the mind – the way we think, feel and imagine both in physiologically visible and mentally invisible
Linguistic language – the way we communicate with ourselves and with others both verbal and non-verbal
Programming - the software of the mind – the way we choose to organize our ideas and actions to produce result
NLP is a mind science and a behavioral technology. It searches about the mind; how we store information in our minds, how we use specific language to code our thoughts in our minds, how we operate and create emotions, why we do the things that we do and so on... NLP aims to create awareness for human behavior and make people conscious about their unconscious and automatic thoughts, language and behaviors. 
 Founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970, by modeling the best psychologists of the time along with the language patterns they used in their therapies; such as Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls; NLP was developed as a very pragmatic technology based on the ability to change our own mental programs. 

  • The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.
  • The meaning of the communication is the response you get.
  • All distinctions human beings are able to make concerning our environment and our behavior can be usefully represented through the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.
  • The resources an individual needs in order to effect a change are already within them.
  • The map is not the territory.
  • The positive worth of the individual is held constant, while the value and appropriateness of internal and/or external behavior is questioned.
  • There is a positive intention motivating every behavior, and a context in which every behavior has value.
  • Feedback vs. Failure - All results and behaviors are achievements, whether they are desired outcomes for a given task/context, or not.


When a person learns and decides to "constantly and consciously take advantage ofthese advanced level behavioral andtransformational tools and techniques about communication and human behavior, this unconsciously competent level of knowledge in their mind, can easily be transferred and applied into: 
  • Enlightenment in all physical, mental, emotional, financial, social, spiritual and existential aspects of life
  • Self-discovery, consciousness, personal growth, more meaningful communication and more fulfilling
     with family and friends and co-workers, 
  • More effective and result oriented business pitches, presentations, client and team management, people management,  
  • A faster, better and cheaper attitude for organizational development, better results in coaching, mentoring, performance, employee retention, one to one screening, goal setting and assessments,
  • Effectiveness in time managementemotional control, state management, peak performance
  • Creativity, productiveness, result-fullness, self-motivation, 
  • Advanced skills in building rapport and healthy relationships, communication, interaction, leadership
  • Result-oriented decision making; strategical thinking and practical execution 
  • Better results in all kinds of product or service sales (contribution) efforts, personal growth, social and emotional intelligence, self-empowerment, creating lasting change, 
  • Mastering influence and persuasion, more meaningful and happy attitude at home and at workcreating much more effective and a lot better results in return; both in personal and professional life.  


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