Monday, February 27, 2012


2005 yilinda bir ogrencisi olarak mezun oldugu UCLA Extension’a 2012 yaz sezonunda bir ogretmen olarak geri donen Burcu Unsal’in hikayesi:
“Bir NLP Egitmeni olarak, UCLA Extension’a basvurmamin asil sebebi, bugun hic bir okulda egitimi verilmeyen NLP’nin, UCLA Extension’da sertifikali bir ders olarak sunulmasini onermekti. Ders icerigi NLP Practitioner egitim icerigim olacak ve Society of NLP’nin belirledigi cerceveler dogrultusunda, toplam 50 saatlik bir egitimin sonucunda, ogrencilere her practitioner egitimimde verdigim “NLP Practitioner” sertifikasini verecektim. Boylelikle hem dunyanin en guclu iletisim modeli olan NLP stratejilerini daha genis bir kitleyle paylasmis, hem de kendimi adadigim insan mukemmelligi misyonum adina, insanlara buyuk bir katkida bulunmus olacaktim. Bir de elbette, benim verdigim NLP Practitioner sertifika egitimlerinin kisi basi ucreti $2,000 ve suresi de ya 8 gun ustuste ya da 4 haftasonu ustuste olan egitimler oldugu icin, UCLA Extension’la isbirligi yapma fikri cok yerinde bir fikirdi. Hem vakit hem de nakit olarak insanlarin NLP donanimini kolaylastiracak bir girisimdi. Fakat, benim onerdigim bu NLP sertifika egitim programi cok kapsamli bir proje oldugu icin, sanirim uzerinde biraz daha dusunup daha dikkatle incelemek istediler. Ve onun yerine, bana bu yaz doneminin Marketing Departmani derslerinden biri olan Leadership Communication Strategies dersini vermemi teklif ettiler. Ben de elbette hemen kabul ettim. Fakat elbette, NLP sertifika egitim proje fikrimin pesini birakmayacagim! J

Ve isin tatli olan tarafi da, 2004 yilinda UCLA Extension’da okurken bu ders, NLP stratejilerine cok yakin bilgiler icermesi nedeniyle benim daha ilk donemden cok hosuma gidip hemen sectigim derslerden biriydi J Hayat iste, surprizlerle dolu J Ve bu guzel hayati guzel yapan da tamamen kendi dusunce ve aksiyonlarimiz! Iste bu Leadership Communication Strategies dersinde de tam bunlari anlatiyor olacagim! Her insanin bir takim kisi ve olaylarin kurbani degil, kendi hayatinin lideri oldugunu! Kisi neye inanirsa onu hayatinin gercegi olarak yasadigini… Dunyaya vermek istedigim mesajlari cok guzel ozetleyen harika bir egitim olacak bu! Tipki kendi egitim ve seminerlerimde paylastigim gibi! Cok mutlu, gururlu ve en cok da heyecanliyim! Hem kendime inanip boyle bir girisimde bulundugum ve sonuc aldigim aldigim icin, hem de daha Amerika’lilarin basaramadigini bir Turk olarak Amerika’da basarabilmis ve Turkiye’nin adini ve insanini Amerikalilar gozunde bir adim daha ileriye tasiyabilmis olmaktan dolayi!

Iste UCLA Extension’da 2012 yaz sezonunda verecegim dersin detaylari:
Leadership Communication Strategies
X 490.996 Management 4 units
This course is designed to improve interpersonal behaviors and communication skills for those in leadership roles with the goal of improving relationships, productivity, and the quality of work. Topics include a review of basic communication skills: listening, self-disclosure, and methods of expression; more advanced skills: nonverbal communication, influencing behaviors, addressing hidden agendas, and male/female communication in the workplace; conflict management skills; assertiveness; and responding to criticism. Experiential exercises, role-playing, and small-group activities provide opportunities to practice different behaviors and integrate these skills into personal strategies. Elective course in the Business Fundamentals Certificate. <TX>

Reg# Y3122B
Through May 28: $425 / After: $465
UCLA: 1270 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Thu 6:30-9:30pm, Jun 28-Sep 6, 11 mtgs
Enrollment deadline: Jul 12
Burcu Ünsal

Son sozum su: Lutfen kendinize inanin! Siz kendinize inanmazsaniz, baskalari size neden inansin? Be-live in U!”

Burcu Unsal
President, NLP Trainer, Master Communications & Human Excellence Professional
Be-live in U International NLP Training & Consultancy

2000 ODTU Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 2005 UCLA Pazarlama Iletisimi ve 2010 University of Metaphysics'ten Metafizik mezunu olan Burcu Unsal, ayrica, Harvard Business School'dan ust duzey yoneticilik ve liderlik egitimine, NLP biliminin iki yaraticisindan biri olan Richard Bandler'dan NLP Egitmeni lisansina, dunyadaki yasam koclugu mesleginin kurucusu ve babasi sayilan Anthony Robbins'ten "Olaganustu Kalitede Yasam Yaratma Becerileri" sertifikasina sahiptir. Hali hazirda, yine Anthony Robbins'in "Strategic Interventionist" egitim programina devam ediyor ve Univeristy of Sedona'da Metaphysical Psychology alaninda Master yapiyor.
Burcu Unsal, 10 sene boyunca iletisim dunyasinin devleri olan McCann Erickson, Saatchi&Saatchi, The Phelps Group Santa Monica/CA, Ogilvy ve Detur International gibi uluslararasi sirketlerde edindigi marka, imaj, iletisim, insan kaynaklari, duygusal zeka ve yonetim tecrubesini; kisisel gelisim ve NLP uzmanligiyla, pozitif hayat felsefesi ve muhtesem enerjisiyle harmanlayip Insan Mukemmelligi (Human Excellence) adini verdigi yeni mesleginde biraraya getirmis.

Burcu, Los Angeles’ta yasiyor ve kurucusu oldugu Be-live in U International NLP Training & Consultancy sirketinde:
-- Kisisel Gelisim, Marka ve Iletisim Danismanligi
-- Sosyal ve Duygusal Zeka Koclugu
-- Kariyer, Iliskiler, Quantum Basari ve Kisisel Imaj konularinda Yasam Koclugu ve
-- NLP Egitmenligi yapiyor.
Butun bunlara ilaveten, cesitli blog ve portallarda makaleler yaziyor; ve hem Amerika hem de Turkiye'de NLP icerikli egitim ve seminerler duzenliyor.

NLP'nin acilimi Neuro Linguistic Programming olup, gunluk hayatimizda bilincsizce ve otomatik olarak gerceklestirdigimiz algilayis, kavrayis, davranis ve iletisim sureclerimizi bilincli haline getirme ve gelistirmekte etkin ve efektif olarak kullanilan bir davranis modelidir.
Neuro - Zihin: 5 duyumuz araciligiyla beynimize aktarilan verilerin zihindeki algilayis ve dusunce sureclerini temsil eder.
Linguistic - Dil: Hem kendimiz hem de digerleriyle olan iletisim kodlama seklimizi temsil eder. Hem sozlu iletisimi hem de soz icermeyen vucut dili iletisimini kapsar.
Programming - Zihnin Yazilimi: Hedeflenen degisimin gerceklesmesi icin zihnimizdeki verileri, iletisim seklimizi ve davranislarimizi yeniden organize etme seklimizdir.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Let me tell you from the beginning: the truth is whatever happened in the universe to put us together in this life time, just happened and then you and I, we attached meanings and feelings to it; say, it was meant to be. Didn't we?

Let’s have a look here:

The biggest meaning attachment project was – obviously- about the meaning of our lives: Whatever happened in the metaphysical universe to let us be born and be alive so that we have a life to discover who we really are and enjoy the game of life, just happened; but, you and I, we attached so many meanings and so many feelings to the fact of life. We said: “I am here because my mission is to spread the love in the world by helping others or by singing love songs”, or “I am here because as you all know it by now, my name is Einstein and I am about to discover the biggest argument of all humankind: the relativity” or, “I am here to save lives and heal people as a doctor” or worse: “I don’t even know why the heck I am here, nobody asked my opinion about it and it sucks to be here!”… Long story short, we all said something; we all created meanings and related feelings about our lives. We didn’t just say “Well, I am here because I am here”. We wanted to know WHY the heck we were here!

When we were a little human baby, life was nothing but a discovery, we almost felt like we were the Alice in the Wonderland and we only wanted to know what this was and what that was, and that was all. Because there was already other big humans around us taking care of us! Feeding us, bathing us, loving and caring us even when we hated them because they didn’t let us play with that shiny, glamorous crystal vase.

When we were a kid, life was nothing but games, plays, having fun and ice creams; oh of course, not to mention the boring and meaning-less home-works which were no were near being fun L When there was no fun, we even created our own fun not to get bored, because the other human friends at our heights were into fun as well! Yay! It was so fun to look at an insect for hours! God, we didn’t ask for more, the insect was perfect for fun!

Then we started to grow up and became a teenager. The insect wouldn’t do it anymore. We started to become individuals, ourselves, not somebody’s daughter or son, just ourselves! And, that was a heck of a big deal! We began to experience major accomplishments, major heart brakes and major challenges in life. Nobody had told us before that somewhere along the way things would change and we would be on our own to deal with all that crap… A new city, a new place to live, new people who are not smiling to make friends with, new and even harder home-works that were really not fun at all… L And as we couldn’t say “No, thanks I’ll pass it, I will get an ounce of an easy life over there please”; life changed its meaning again! God, it was so hard to keep track of life’s so many million meanings every day, sometimes it was so good and so delicious but the other times it was unbearable! Every hour or even every minute life kept changing its meaning, as the guy we liked texted us!

Years passed like that… Good again, bad again, on again, off again…

Then we became adults and it was no joke any longer. There were no other big humans around us, feeding us, bathing us, caring for us and giving us the “home” any longer… In fact, we had to go to a place called “the office” and do the most boring office-works ever, instead of relatively less boring home-works we used to do, just to be able to have some kind of a place to sleep which didn’t quite seem like the “home” we knew. And inside that “office”, there were other humans who were not into fun at all! No games, no plays and no ice creams anymore! Plus, those other humans were telling us what to do, what not to do and they didn’t seem quite welcoming when we did the things they said we shouldn’t do. Damn! What the heck was this supposed to mean again? It only meant: life sucked!

Then we wished we were still babies or even kids… We longed for that easy, loving, comfortable home again with loving and caring big humans in it. When life was nothing but fun, nothing but a discovery or nothing but the delicious taste of a chocolate ice cream; where we were still welcomed no matter what we did or what we didn’t do.

Then we decided to be creative about that and chose to create that safe “home” feelings again; this time not with the big humans who were already there, but with the ONE that we would choose to be at home with. With the ONE that we would feel loved, cared, welcomed - no matter what we did and what we didn’t - and comfortable with. Oh, crap! What a dream! It’s harder than we thought! Because this time we are faced with the fact that it’s not only us, but also the other ONE who needs the same comfort and all the other safe “home” feelings that we thought only we would need. There we go… How to figure this one out now? Let me guess, life has changed its meaning again, right? And this one feels like compromising or to be more brutal, feels like sacrificing, doesn’t it? Ha-ha, wait until you welcome that tiny little human baby into your “home” and then we will sit down and talk about what “sacrificing” was or how you thought it was, until it changes its meaning again!

And this meaning attachment project goes on and on and on… Good again, bad again, on again, off again… Until one day we realize that it’s just things keep happening and we keep creating meanings and attaching feelings to them!

Until one day we realize that we just got ourselves a magical game to play with and we’ve been playing with it since we were a little kid… Until we realize that we were the ones who created and attached all the good and the bad, all the fun and the boredom, all the meaningfulness and the meaninglessness to a happening called “life”.

So, I say, an insect would still do it, if you are able to attach the right amount of good feeling to it! :)

Burcu Unsal
Licensed NLP Trainer, Master Marketing Communications and Human Excellence Professional